foolscap — fools‧cap [ˈfuːlskæp] noun [uncountable] OFFICE a large size of paper for writing or printing, usually 432x343 mm: • a sheet of foolscap • a foolscap envelope * * * foolscap UK US /ˈfuːlskæp/ noun [U] ► … Financial and business terms
Foolscap — can refer to one of the following: *The paper size 17 × 13½ inches (419 × 336 mm). *The paper size 8½ × 13½ inches (210 × 336 mm), more correctly known as Foolscap folio. *The book Foolscap by Michael Malone. *The hat worn by a fool or court… … Wikipedia
Foolscap — Fools cap , n. [So called from the watermark of a fool s cap and bells used by old paper makers. See Fool s cap, under {Fool}.] A writing paper made in sheets, ordinarily 16 x 13 inches, and folded so as to make a page 13 x 8 inches. See {Paper} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Foolscap — (engl., spr. fūlskäp, »Narrenkappe«), eine nach dem frühern Wasserzeichen benannte Sorte engl. Schreibpapiers, blau liniiert, etwa 34×42 cm … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
foolscap — (n.) cap worn by jesters, 1630s; c.1700 as a type of paper, so called because this type of paper originally was watermarked with a court jester s cap … Etymology dictionary
foolscap — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a size of paper, about 330 x 200 (or 400) mm. ORIGIN said to be named from a former watermark representing a fool s cap … English terms dictionary
foolscap — [fo͞olz′kap΄] n. [so called from the former watermark, a fool s head and cap] 1. any of various sizes of writing paper; esp., in the U.S., a size measuring 13 by 16 inches 2. FOOL S CAP … English World dictionary
foolscap — also fool s cap noun Date: 1602 1. a cap or hood usually with bells worn by jesters 2. a conical cap for slow or lazy students 3. (usually foolscap) [from the watermark of a foolscap formerly applied to such paper] a size of paper formerly… … New Collegiate Dictionary
foolscap — /foohlz kap /, n. 1. a type of inexpensive writing paper, esp. legal size, lined, yellow sheets, bound in tablet form. 2. Chiefly Brit. a size of drawing or printing paper, 131/2 × 17 in. (34 × 43 cm). Abbr.: cap., fcp. 3. Also called foolscap… … Universalium
foolscap — [[t]fu͟ːlzkæp[/t]] N UNCOUNT Foolscap is paper which is about 34 centimetres by 43 centimetres in size. [mainly BRIT] … English dictionary
Foolscap folio — (commonly contracted to foolscap or folio ) is paper cut to the size of 8½ × 13½ inches (216 × 343 mm). This was a traditional paper size used in Europe and the Commonwealth, before the adoption of modern international paper A4 paper (the most… … Wikipedia